Miodrag Đurić Dado

MIODRAG DADO ĐURIĆ (Cetinje, 1933 – Pariz, 2010) was one of the most prominent contemporary figurative artists of the 20th century.

He studied at Herceg Novi until 1952 and graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade in 1956. Upon graduating he moved to France, to the village of Chaumont en Vexin near Paris, where he had an atelier. He lived briefly in New York and then in Central Africa.

In addition to drawing and oil painting, he was a printmaker, and from 1978 to 1980 he also did collages and packaging.

His works are found in many museums, galleries and private collections and reveal his artistic talents that demonstrate ‘apocalyptic connections’.

After Mark Sagala and Salvador Dali, Dado Đurić is one of the most influential surrealist painters.